Return Policy
You can cancel your contractual acceptance within 30 days without notice, in text form (e.g., fax, letter, e-mail) or - if you relinquish the item before the deadline - by return of the item. The deadline shall commence following receipt of this notification in text form, but not prior to conclusion of the agreement or before you have been provided with a contractual instrument, your written application or a copy of the contractual instrument or the application and also not prior to performance of our duties of disclosure pursuant to Article 246 §2 in conjunction with §1 (1) and (2) of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB) as well as our obligations pursuant to § 312g (1) 1 German Civil Code. Timely sending of the revocation shall suffice to meet the revocation deadline.
Revocation must be sent to: