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Aesculap, Tuttlingen
1933-1935 [Early Version]
Alles für Deutschland «Everything for Germany»
371 mm
414 g
Near Mint
«Sw» Südwest
SA Dagger [Early Version] by Aesculap Tuttlingen
This early SA [Sturmabteilung] Dagger shows some age but it is still in near mint condition. Model 1933. The total length is 37,1 cm. The Dagger has the maker mark on the blade: Aesculap Tuttlingen.
Grip: The all nickel mounts are in fine condition throughout, having good smooth surfaces, crisp edges, and precise accent grooves. The lower reverse crossguard is Gruppe marked Sw - Südwest. The Aesculap company normally varnished their grips, so you have to look closely to see the beautiful graining. The grip is of medium to high ridge construction, and it still remains in perfect condition. The runes button is nicely placed, having perfect enameled surfaces. The nickel grip eagle is the style with "point behind the head". This bird still has all details throughout. This includes the eye, breast feathering, wing feathering, talons, wreath, and mobile swastika.
Blade: Unfortunately the blade of this example is in mint condition. The SA motto is extremely dark, and really jumps off this blade, having the factory backgrounds. The company logo is on the reverse ricasso, being double round circles, which enclose the firm's name and location Aesculap Tuttlingen. Inside is a crown over a staff having a snake around it. As most collectors know, Aesculap made medical instruments as their main business, so they used this logo on the SA daggers they made during the early time to help satisfy the need of three million SA dagger orders. The blade shoulders perfectly meet the lower crossguard contour.
Scabbard: The scabbard shell is straight throughout. This shell has new brown anodizing. The nickel scabbard mounts are also in good condition. These mounts are retained by all four original nickel screws, which are all in place.
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